National Service Scheme was put into practice by the Indian Government to realise the aim of developing student's personality through community service. The reason for the formulation of this objective is the general realization that students at the college and +2 level have a tendency to get alienated from the village/slum masses which constitute the majority of the population of the country. The educated youth who are expected to take the reigns of administration in future are found to be unaware of the problems of the village/slum community and in certain cases are indifferent towards their needs and problems. Therefore it is necessary to arouse the social conscience of the students, and to provide them an opportunity to work with the people in the villages and slums. It is felt that their interaction with the common villagers and slum dwellers will expose them to the realities of life and bring about a change in their social perception. It is a vouluntary association of students in Colleges and Universities which tries to inclucate in them the spirit for social service without any bias.
Objectives of NSS
To make students
(i) Understand the community in which they work.
(ii) Understand themselves in relation to their community.
(iii) Identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem solving process.
(iv) Develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility.
(v) Utilize their knowledge in finding practical solution to individual and community problems.
(vi) Develop competence required for group living and sharing of responsibilities.
(vii) Gain skills in mobilizing community participation.
(viii) Acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitude.
(ix) Develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters and
(x) Practice national integration and social harmony.
The Motto
The motto or watchword of the National Service Scheme is: ‘NOT ME BUT YOU’. This reflects the essence of democratic living and upholds the need for selfless service and appreciation of the other person’s point of view and also to show consideration for fellow human beings. It underlines that the welfare of an individual is ultimately dependent on the welfare of society on the whole. Therefore, it should be the aim of the NSS to demonstrate this motto in its day-to-day programme.
Message From Programme Officer, NSS, Alipurduar Mahila Mahavidyalaya
The NSS Unit of the College headed by Prof. Joydeep Singh as the Programme Officer started functioning with 100 students from the year 2017. Various programmes have been successfully conducted. The various regular activities of the NSS like Health Awareness Programmes, Environment Awareness Programmes, Tree Plantation Programmes, Awareness Programme on Save Girl Child, Encephalitis Awareness Camp, Cleaning Drives, Gardening Programmes, Observance of International Yoga Day etc. have taken place in view of enlightening the students in different segments of life and helping them get established in life as socially aware and responsible citizens. At present the enrolled strength of NSS volunteers at the institution is 150. These volunteers have registered themselves in one unit.
In 2018, the University of North Bengal nominated Prof. Joydeep Singh as the Nodal Officer for better functioning of NSS activities in the colleges of Alipurduar District.
Advisory Committee
Unit – I
a) Dr. Amitabh Roy, Vice Principal & Chairperson
b) Dr. Ritwika Laskar & Prof. Abhishek Das (Members)
c) Sri Sanjit Dhar (Representative of the Development Department)
d) Sri. Patal Deb Singha (Representative from the Adopted Village)
e) Utparna Kundu & Sangita Pandit (Student Leaders)
f) Prof. Joydeep Singh (Programme Officer)
1. Tree Plantation in the College Campus
2. Programme on World Aids Day
3. Yoga Training Camp
4. Blood Donation Camp
5. Awareness Programme on Women's Safety
6. Observance of International Women's Day
7. Campaign for Menstrual Hygiene Management
8. Collection of funds for donation towards Kerala Flood Relief
9. Observance of World Environment Day
10. Eye Check Up and Awareness Camp
11. Instruction and Hands on Training in First - Aid